Sign Up Now for Your Biometric Screening Using the Be Your Best Self Health Improvement Program Portal

As we prepare for October’s open enrollment, Trustmark is pleased to introduce the new Be Your Best Self health improvement program that will help you take charge of your health and reach your personal health goals. The program is voluntary and available at no cost to all employees of Trustmark, CoreSource and Health Contact Partners.

Through the Be Your Best Self program, you’ll be able to participate in biometric screenings, take a health risk assessment (HRA) and learn how to minimize your personal health risks. In addition, the biometric screenings and HRA are two of the four criteria you’ll need to fulfill to earn the medical plan premium discount in 2011.

Trustmark has partnered with HealthFitness to offer onsite biometric screenings at the larger offices. The screenings will also serve as the final weigh-in for Dave McDonough’s Healthy Weight Challenge. If employees who participated in the biometric screenings last year have succeed in losing at least 10,000 pounds, participants in the Challenge will get a wellness day off of work in 2011. Results will be announced in November.

How to prepare for your screening

A voluntary biometric screening is a quick way to get an assessment of your basic health indicators. Tests will include cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), blood pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose and body mass index. Fasting for 9-12 hours before your screening is recommended for the most accurate results, though you may drink water. If you are unable to fast, non-fasting ranges for glucose will be provided, but non-fasting triglycerides and LDL are not available.

Immediately following the screening, you’ll learn what your numbers mean and have the opportunity to speak with a health advisor. During this conversation, you will learn about additional program offerings available on the Trustmark Be Your Best Self health improvement program portal at, beginning on Oct. 1. These tools are available to support you as you choose to make lifestyle changes that improve your health and quality of life.

Screenings for employees without onsite clinics

Employees who work in offices without onsite screenings may have their doctor complete the Alternative Means Screening form located on the Be Your Best Self portal at beginning on Oct. 1. Your doctor can use results from tests done on or after April 1, 2010. If not, you should schedule an appointment now with your doctor to ensure you have the form completed by the deadline. Follow the instructions carefully and submit your form via fax or mail postmarked by Oct. 28, 2010 to complete this step for the premium discount. After you submit your form, a health advisor will contact you about additional programs available to you.

Act now to access your prior HRAs

As we make the switch to this new portal powered by HealthFitness, please be advised that any HRAs or other data you maintain on the CoreSource HealthCenter will no longer be available after Sept. 30, so please take the time now to print anything you wish to retain for future reference.