Worker’s compensation costs can add up…

Trustmark’s Accident and Disability insurance can help bring costs down.

In 2012, employers spent $83.2 billion on worker’s compensation. For the many employers who contributed to this enormous expense, new studies show that offering Accident and Disability insurance can provide a cost saving solution. Just look at the numbers:

  • 55% of large companies offering accident insurance reported declines in worker’s compensation.1
  • 30% of companies offering disability insurance experienced a 25% or greater decrease in their workers compensation costs.1

Learn more about our Accident and Disability products and how they can help employers reduce worker’s compensation costs through our infographic or on our blog.

Let’s talk…
[RSD Name]
[Regional Sales Director, Region]

1 “Rumor confirmed: Accident, Disability insurance can reduce workers’ compensation claims.” April, 2014.

Learn more about keeping worker’s compensation costs down from our infographic.

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