Trustmark Launchpad | Fuel Your Voluntary Benefit Sales with Marketing
Customer Retention Video Resources

Billing & BenAdmin Services

Learn how Trustmark’s billing and benefits administration solutions can simplify the process of offering benefits.
Top billing & BenAdmin resources
Consolidated billing process slick

Demonstrate how Trustmark’s consolidated billing works and the advantages it provides to employers. Can be printed or emailed digitally.

Simplink Marketing Slick

An overview of what Simplink is and why it’s a benefit to brokers, employers and employees. Can be printed or shared digitally.

Self-bill one-page

Outline of Trustmark self-bill capabilities and why it's great for employers.

ACH infographic
ACH Infographic

Trustmark ACH payment infographic

Trustmark billing consolidation & BenAdmin
Consolidated billing process slick

Demonstrate how Trustmark’s consolidated billing works and the advantages it provides to employers. Can be printed or emailed digitally.
Consolidated billing process email

Simplink Marketing Slick

An overview of what Simplink is and why it’s a benefit to brokers, employers and employees. Can be printed or shared digitally.