To put it simply, an accident is just that — an accident.

You don’t plan it; it just happens. But there’s a way to make sure you’re taken care of in the event you or a family member has an accident.

If you took the True or False quiz, you’re now aware of how many accidents occur every year — or every second! Accident insurance helps individuals or families pay for the unexpected expenses that follow, such as copays, deductibles, ambulance or emergency room visits, follow-up appointments, physical therapy and more.

Common Accidents

Household accidents, such as falling down the steps, are extremely common. Falls are actually the leading cause of unintentional injury for children.1 In fact, one-third of all fall-related visits to the hospital emergency room are from children younger than 14!1

Household accidents are not the only kind of injuries this type of insurance covers. Sports-related injuries or injuries inflicted through exercise may also be covered. Sometimes we don’t always prepare before we begin to play sports or exercise. Not stretching, training properly, wearing the appropriate equipment or gear, or being physically fit enough to participate in the sport or specific type of exercise can all lead to injury. Sports-related injuries most commonly include:2

1Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital website, Accident Statistics, May 2012
2Medline Plus website. Sports Injuries. May 2012