Critical illness protection that helps you adjust after the unexpected.
Critical illness insurance is really simple. Your policy covers a number of conditions or illnesses (exactly which ones depends on your plan). When you are first diagnosed with one of them, we pay you your selected benefit amount. No deductibles, no complications – just help, when you need it.
Here’s an example:
Even if your medical insurance covers any or all of your bills – you still get the same payment. We pay the money directly to you, and it’s yours to use however you want.
You can only purchase Trustmark products through your workplace; your employer cares enough to let us offer this benefit to you, and the affordable cost is paid directly from payroll. If you ever change jobs or retire though, you can take it with you! Just call our Customer Care team at 800.225.3859 and we can make the switch to bill you directly.
Still need more details? Keep exploring this site, or get in touch with your benefits representative to get everything you need to make the right choice for you and your family.